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The "Simone Biles's Husband" Debate Comes Down to One Thing: Insecurity

  • Nishadil
  • January 05, 2024
  • 2 minutes read
The "Simone Biles's Husband" Debate Comes Down to One Thing: Insecurity

Jonathan Owens, Green Bay Packers' NFL player, has recently garnered attention after his interview went viral where he painted himself as the "prize" in his relationship. The safety, aged 28, found fame with his stint on a popular show where he revealed not knowing his partner, Simone Biles, one of the most successful athletes ever, when she first contacted him on a dating app. Owens confessed that it wasn't him who chased Biles, but the other way round.

Despite being in his third year in the NFL, he found it challenging to commit to Biles initially due to his fixation on his career. Owens divulged, "But, you know, it happens when you least expect it." The remarks did not find favor among social media users as anticipated. On the YouTube video, one commentator expressed disappointment, saying that Owens should have hailed his wife as the real "catch".

Others opined that Owens needs to reconsider his narrative to appreciate and respect his wife's achievements rather than minimizing them. However, it might be insightful to consider these remarks as reflections of deep-seated insecurity. In a society where conventional gender roles are dominant, someone like Owens might struggle to accept that their partner is more successful.

Though this doesn't justify the apparent disrespect displayed by Owens, it's disheartening that he felt compelled to downplay his wife's achievements to validate his own. Such thinking is likely a result of societal pressure on men in heterosexual relationships to be superior.

By declaring himself the "catch" in the relationship, Owens may have been trying to consolidate power in the relationship. This reaction is particularly striking given that many know him solely as Simone Biles' husband. Rather than this being beneficial, it may be more suited for Owens to learn from icons like Alexis Ohanian. The venture capitalist is known for ardently supporting his wife, Serena Williams.

Ohanian's support for Williams emboldens his own success instead of overshadowing it, proving that one doesn't need to belittle another's achievements for their own to be recognized. Meanwhile, Biles remains undeterred by her husband's criticism, even predicting a future where people refer to her as "Jonathan Owens' wife". At the moment, we can expect that the query "who is Simone Biles's husband?" will continue to trend each month on Google.