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How much money New Jerseyans make by generation

  • Nishadil
  • January 16, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
How much money New Jerseyans make by generation

One of the main things that comes to mind when you think about living here in New Jersey is how difficult it is financially. The older and more dug in financially you are, the more you’ve been able to figure out how to make it here. And you know it’s not been said about this state, but if you could make it here financially, you can make it anywhere, so I was curious to see how different generations are faring in terms of median income.

We hear on the air all the time that it’s been so difficult for anybody under the age of 35 to figure out how to afford to live here, so how are those Millenials, Gen Z and Gen X ers doing? And are my boomer peers hanging on financially? I did get some key info from new report on Median Income by Generations in the U.S.

I thought this info was interesting: Massachusetts takes the crown for the highest median income among Millennials. And Mississippi is the spot where Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers have the lowest median income. Gen Z? They're facing the lowest salaries nationwide, and West Virginia is where they're feeling it the most.

And When it comes to Generation X, it’s good news. The highest median incomes in the whole country. And Baby Boomers in Hawaii are bringing in the big bucks with the highest salaries. New Jersey's bottom line is this Gen Z is at $52,624. Millennials are at $106,274. Gen X is leading with $117,412.

Baby Boomers are getting by with $65,988. Now, let's talk about the financial scene in NJ. Honestly, making a living here is no joke for any demographic. The cost of living is sky high, from housing to everyday expenses. Even with high median incomes, the challenges in NJ are real, making it a tough road for many trying to make ends meet.

Gallery Credit: New Jersey 101.5 Gallery Credit: New Jersey 101.5.