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Anti Israel vandals’ wristslap plea deals guarantee more public pain

  • Nishadil
  • January 11, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
Anti Israel vandals’ wristslap plea deals guarantee more public pain

The glue stuck, but the charges didn’t: Two anti Israel activists arrested for adhering themselves to the pavement to block the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade have been let off the hook with barely a slap on the wrist . Jay Waxse — an activism chameleon who boasts being a “seasoned community organizer” — and a fellow demonstrator, who’s ID’d in court documents as Natalia Scollo but goes by Ezra, originally got slapped with obstructing government administration and resisting arrest.

Those offenses are punishable by up to one year in jail or up to three years of probation and a fine of up to $1,000. Get the most important developments in the region, globally and locally. Please provide a valid email address. By clicking above you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Thanks for signing up! Never miss a story.

But these charges somehow vanished; they got to plead guilty to mere disorderly conduct — a violation, not a criminal charge. Plus, their convictions will get tossed if they manage not to get arrested in the next six months. All of which is a violation of the public’s rights. It reaffirms an enraging truth: Lefties can break the law — acting out to seriously disrupt public events and otherwise mess with the lives of thousands of innocents — and skate with trivial consequences.

Even if the two hold back for the six months, this injustice guarantees they’ll do it again. Scollo said as much, announcing that he’s willing to be arrested “again and again and again. . . until there’s a cease fire.” And when law and order is nonexistent. . . why not? The Thanksgiving Day Parade protest wasn’t an exercise in free speech; it was an assault on public order — and that was the point .

This teaches Scollo, Waxse and all their self righteous fellow maniacs the exact wrong lesson: They can get themselves into sticky situations, and New York City’s joke of a justice system just will let them off clean..