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It looks like Hunter Biden is trying to sabotage his father on purpose

  • Nishadil
  • January 11, 2024
  • 3 minutes read
It looks like Hunter Biden is trying to sabotage his father on purpose

Is Hunter Biden intent on sabotaging his father’s 2024 bid for re election? Another way of posing the question: If the president’s troubled son wanted to draw the maximum amount of attention at the very moment his father faces the most grave political punishment one could face, of impeachment — stemming from an alleged Biden family international influence peddling scheme that Hunter bag manned — what would he do differently? The Hunter Circus returned Wednesday to Capitol Hill when, flanked by his lawyer Abbe Lowell and bankroller Kevin Morris, the younger Biden caused a ruckus by unexpectedly marching into, and shortly thereafter out of, a House Oversight Committee hearing regarding holding Hunter in contempt of Congress for defying congressional subpoenas.

This followed the stunt several weeks prior that had landed Hunter in hot water. He was to appear privately Dec. 13 for a deposition with House impeachment investigators pursuant to the subpoenas in question. Hunter ignored the congressional demands, instead delivering a defiant statement from the Capitol’s Senate side — out of the clutches of the House sergeant at arms — daring Republican members to hold him in contempt.

The legislators called his bluff, commencing the contempt of Congress proceedings that could land him in jail. Adding insult to injury, Hunter also brought even more heat on his father. He shifted the goal posts into another ZIP code by saying that Joe was merely not “financially involved” in Hunter’s business, when his father previously denied knowing anything about it.

Needless to say, between Hunter’s Hill exploits, lodging of lawsuits left and right against those responsible for exposing his alleged criminal acts and frequent appearances in recent months by his father’s side, the man is not keeping a low profile. Why operate in such a politically risky manner? Perhaps the idea is to make Hunter the victim of a “right wing witch hunt” — to propagate the narrative, as Hunter has done in public writing, that the recovering drug addict is being not only unfairly but dangerously targeted by the president’s foes.

That story certainly reads better than the real story: The Biden family, led by Hunter, monetized patriarch Joe’s office to the tune of tens of millions of dollars from the Chinese, Ukrainians and Russians — arguably selling out and compromising America; denied it all and sought to conceal the ill gotten gains by flowing them down through a couple dozen shell companies even to one of the president’s grandchildren; and committed all manner of alleged crimes in the process.

And that the president’s Justice Department labored to cover these acts up while seeking to lock up his most likely presidential opponent to boot. But even if Hunter were comfortable being a scapegoat — the dutiful son sacrificing for his dad in one more trying episode for a family whose history has been marked with hardship — do the president and his surrogates really want Hunter constantly in the public eye? To play armchair psychologist leads to still another theory.

What if Hunter is, consciously or subconsciously, trying to undermine his father? Hunter Biden is evidently prone to destructive behavior. He documented his reckless and allegedly criminal acts on a laptop, surely knowing how devastating it could be for his father if the materials emerged. Was he careless and cavalier with that laptop because of his substance abuse? Or might it have been that at some level he wanted to be caught — and not only out of guilt or as a cry for help, but spite? Is it possible Hunter resented his father for having to shoulder the load of leading the family’s influence peddling operation — an operation that exposed him above all others to all manner of legal peril — in the shadow of his high flying brother? What if this is all not about Hunter’s defense — but his revenge? Benjamin Weingarten is editor at large at RealClearInvestigations..