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You can get an iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, AirPods, and a Mac for the price of one Vision Pro

  • Nishadil
  • January 16, 2024
  • 2 minutes read
You can get an iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, AirPods, and a Mac for the price of one Vision Pro

Ever since on January 19, I have been agonizing over whether or not I should get one. After quite a lot of thought and a long discussion with my wife, it has been decided that I will not be purchasing one at least not for now. A big part of the decision was the price. At $3,400, it's amazingly expensive, especially since I was able to buy a for $650 (I paid an extra $150 for double storage on the Quest).

I'm still not sure what value the Vision Pro offers me, other than being able to write about it. As my wife pointed out, we have a roof that needs urgent repairs (and budget dollars). It's not like I need a Vision Pro to watch movies. I already have a very nice for that. I am having a hard time getting my head around the Vision Pro cost.

For me, it would be an additional $150 for prescription lenses, bringing the price to $3,550. And since Apple is very clear that it needs to , it's unlikely I'd be able to share the headset with my wife, who is also an avid Apple ecosystem participant. Speaking of the Apple ecosystem, let's break down what it would cost to own one of each category of products Apple offers (not counting the Vision Pro).

As the table below shows, I could buy an , an , a , and an for $1,756. So, let's see what happens if I add in some , a , and even a . Here goes: It does start to add up, but let's see what happens if I swap out the non Apple gear and go for stuff that's not at the very bottom of the Apple price list.

Here's the no compromise list of Apple gear: As you can see, even with no compromise gear, including a , an , the , an , and an , we're still under the entry cost of a Vision Pro headset. There is value for some folks in buying the Vision Pro. Developers, most certainly. Some folks who work in certain industries, especially as custom apps start coming online.

Those who just don't have the space for a big screen or multiple monitors. But the rest of us? That's a tough leap to make, especially when so much else (my roofer, for example) is competing for our hard earned money. After using the Quest 3 for a few weeks, I have no doubt there's a use case for mixed reality headsets.

But I just don't see yet how the Vision Pro adds $3,000 more in value over the Quest 3, and how it will be worth it to the majority of Apple users out there. When it hits $1,099, it will be compelling. But I'm not you. Are you considering buying a Vision Pro? What do you intend to use it for? Are you planning on making apps for it? To do what? Let me know in the comments below..