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Why presale seller inspections save you money in the long run

  • Nishadil
  • January 13, 2024
  • 0.46 minutes read
Why presale seller inspections save you money in the long run

You can pay for the inspections. A frugal, out of state successor trustee will not. Full stop. It will be a significant return on your investment. When presale seller inspections are lacking, there will be fewer offers and a lower closing sales price. That is a truism. You could lose tens of thousands of dollars in inheritance if presale seller inspections are lacking.

But it gets worse. You will have higher post sale litigation exposure, which could result in a loss of net proceeds to attorneys and a legal settlement. Speed often replaces caution in a seller’s market, diminishing consumer protection. Slow and steady is best. Remember that even if you offer to pay for presale seller inspections, your brother might not let you.

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