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Why companies with flexible work from home policies are the clear bottom line winners

  • Nishadil
  • January 13, 2024
  • 3 minutes read
Why companies with flexible work from home policies are the clear bottom line winners

In the wake of the pandemic, the investment landscape is undergoing a paradigm shift, with work from home (WFH) policies emerging as a critical factor in evaluating a company's potential for growth and sustainability. The transformative impact of these policies on the business environment is reshaping how investors perceive and value companies.

A recent study, the , sheds light on a significant trend: companies embracing flexible work arrangements are not just surviving but flourishing. Between 2020 and 2022, companies fully embracing work flexibility outstripped their counterparts, achieving a remarkable 16% increase in revenue growth. This shift extends beyond technology sectors, as non tech enterprises with adaptable work policies also reported a significant 13% advantage in growth.

Hybrid work models, blending remote and office environments, also stand out for their agility. These organizations eclipsed strictly office based companies by a growth margin of 3%. This figure, though modest, powerfully demonstrates the effectiveness of a balanced strategy in fostering business growth.

By the end of 2023, the corporate world had decisively shifted toward work flexibility. More than 62% of U.S. companies had embraced varying degrees of work location flexibility, up from 51% at the year's start. In contrast, businesses committed to full time office work had declined to 38%. This change is more than a reaction to the pandemic; it's a strategic shift toward adaptability and resilience.

Startups established post 2010 are at the forefront of this transformation. An impressive 93% of these companies now offer flexible work arrangements, a trend that holds strong across industries, including outside the tech sector. The future business landscape is clearly moving toward prioritizing flexible work, with traditional office based work likely becoming less common.

The Scoop Report is reinforced by . Glassdoor finds that its respondents indicated that their satisfaction with and access to work from home benefits have decreased in 2023 for the largest companies. Importantly, both of these metrics continued to rise for small to medium sized businesses. Glassdoor concludes that in 2024, flexibility will offer a key driver to draw talent away from large companies.

Perhaps it’s not surprising that smaller and younger companies express so much openness to flexibility. After all, the voices of investors are most impactful at such companies, and take a longer time to percolate to the ears of the leaders in the larger corporations. Having , I frequently get calls from investors seeking my help in assessing investment targets, which span from emerging startups to well established corporations.

These investors that drive organizational success over those that simply comfort frequently company leadership, marking a profound shift from traditional investment evaluation criteria that often overemphasized leadership preferences. Investors gravitate toward companies that adopt flexibility not as a mere trend, but based on best practices underpinned by empirical research.

We discuss the importance of scrutinizing a company's WFH policy clarity and employee engagement levels. Companies that have clear, transparent policies widely supported by their employees see better retention rates, an invaluable asset in today's challenging talent market. Furthermore, such policies significantly boost employee engagement and morale.

When a company acknowledges and meets employee needs and preferences, it fosters a sense of belonging and commitment, leading to increased productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction — essential drivers of a successful business. In other words, companies that effectively merge flexible work arrangements with clear, supportive policies stand out as innovative, resilient, and adaptable.

They position themselves for sustained growth in a competitive business landscape and offer attractive prospects for insightful investors..