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What is destroying your metabolism? Doctor explains

  • Nishadil
  • January 15, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
What is destroying your metabolism? Doctor explains

Our diet and lifestyle have a strong impact on our body's metabolism. " The biggest contributor to your slow metabolism is stress and not giving your body the nutrients, it needs. Your cells need energy and nutrients in order to function. We have to make our bodies feel safe by giving them rest, love, nutrients, and reducing the toxin burden wherever you can," wrote Doctor Kristina Telhami as she noted down the things that can destroy our metabolism.(Unsplash) Exercising more than what is required for the body and not providing the body with enough nutrients can affect our metabolism.

(Unsplash) Taking too much stress and being anxious all the time can also affect our appetite and digestion process. (Unsplash) Adequate sleep is very important for the body to feel recharged. Lack of sleep at night can affect the digestion process. (Unsplash) Eating a low carb diet on a regular basis can also impact metabolism and destroy it, slowly.

(Unsplash) Drinking coffee on an empty stomach in the morning can be very unhealthy, if done regularly.(Unsplash).