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Vivica A. Fox Says She Hasn't Experienced Taraji P. Henson's Work Woes

  • Nishadil
  • January 09, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
Vivica A. Fox Says She Hasn't Experienced Taraji P. Henson's Work Woes

Vivica A. Fox has all the sympathy in the world for the issues Taraji P. Henson says she's experienced in the industry including unequal pay but says that isn't her experience at all. We got the actress out Monday in NYC, where she was busy signing autographs in between fielding questions from our photog ...

who asked about this growing convo about crappy working conditions that TPH and other 'Color Purple' cast members apparently experienced. As you know, Taraji and a good handful of big stars from the film have been airing their grievances very publicly lately sometimes breaking down while discussing it.

Like we said, Vivica has empathy for their situation ... and says it's important for folks to speak their piece and get their truth out there noting she appreciates how the ladies stuck together and advocated for one another (and basic privileges) while filming the big budget film. With that said, VAF also makes this very clear what Taraji's talking about is foreign to her.

Watch the clip ... Vivica says she just can't relate to what Taraji's gone through in the biz and ends by telling us, somewhat proudly ..."I'm good." Noted! If it sounds like she's talking down on Taraji eye of the beholder, we suppose. The point is ... she's certainly distancing herself from whatever sort of energy TPH is enduring.

Mind you, Vivica and Taraji are pretty friendly ... both have been successful in the biz for a long time. That's why this matter of fact response from Viv here comes across as ... dare we say, cold. Like she says, though to each their own. BTW, Vivica ain't the only one who weighed in on this ever growing topic ...

LaKeith Stanfield spoke on it too when we got him in the Big Apple, and he completely backed Taraji speaking truth to power. Check out how he frames this, 'cause it's pretty interesting ... he doesn't say whether this might negatively affect Taraji's career, but does seem to cosign her continuing to rally..