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Tips to conquer chaotic mornings when you have ADHD

  • Nishadil
  • January 10, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
Tips to conquer chaotic mornings when you have ADHD

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, also referred to as ADHD, is a condition where a person faces difficulty in concentrating or paying attention. Symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Mornings can feel very chaotic for people with ADHD as they feel they need to get a lot done in less time.

"Mornings can be tough on ADHDers for a variety of reasons, but a few small tweaks can make them feel a bit less chaotic," wrote Therapist Meredith Carder. Here are a few ways.(Unsplash) People with ADHD are often stuck in analysis paralysis in the morning. Providing a bit of the time of a workday in ruminating about the task at hand can make them feel better.

(Unsplash) Visualising how they want their morning to start and how they want to feel throughout the day can help in creating a mind map. (Unsplash) Instead of keeping things to the last minute, people with ADHD must decide ahead of time to have clarity on the matter at hand. (Unsplash) Setting up visual systems such as a to do list can help in understanding the tasks that we need to do in the morning.

(Unsplash) Having something to look forward to helps people with AADHD to pay attention and be interested. (Unsplash).