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The Barbie Movie Begets Barbie Movie Dolls

  • Nishadil
  • January 11, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
The Barbie Movie Begets Barbie Movie Dolls

In the year that ’s movie is a major awards contender—with a script the director co wrote, starring and produced by Margot Robbie, and an incredible ensemble of female talent—women in film are still a majorly marginalized group. Mattel, , has come out with a new set to pay tribute to the creatives that made the movie possible.

With the Women in Film collection, Mattel’s annual Career of the Year dolls highlight positions in which women are still vastly underrepresented. The set features four women in important entertainment roles within the film industry. The diverse set features a director, cinematographer, actress, and producer, with accessories that represent their jobs.

The limited release will be available on for Barbie Signature members, but can also be found at and for general retail purchase. Click through the gallery for a look at the Women on Film set, which is going for $50 and includes all four Barbie dolls. Barbie Career of the Year: Women in Film Set Barbie Career of the Year: Women in Film Set Find the collection .

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