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States With The Most And Least E Cigarette Use In 2024

  • Nishadil
  • January 17, 2024
  • 2 minutes read
States With The Most And Least E Cigarette Use In 2024

Fact Checked Fact Checked Updated: Jan 17, 2024, 2:59am Why you can trust Forbes Advisor The Forbes Advisor team analyzed the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create our report on the states with the most and least vapers. Please find more details on our study’s methodology below.

State Level E Cigarette Statistics E Cigarette Statistics in America The Top 10 States With the Most E Cigarette Use 1. Tennessee 100 out of 100 Tennessee tops the list of states with the highest use of e cigarette use. The state also ranked fourth highest in the following metrics: 2. Kentucky 98.88 out of 100 3.

Oklahoma 98.32 out of 100 4. Idaho 97.77 out of 100 5. Arkansas 97.21 out of 100 6. Alabama 96.65 out of 100 7. Louisiana 94.41 out of 100 8. West Virginia 88.83 out of 100 9. North Dakota 85.47 out of 100 10. Hawaii 82.68 out of 100 States With The Least E Cigarette Use 1. Maryland 0.00 out of 100 Maryland boasts the lowest percentage of vapers in the U.S.

Other notable vaping statistics in this state include: 2. Illinois 1.68 out of 100 Illinois is the state with the largest population that ranks in the top five states with the fewest vapers. Other e cigarette use in the state includes: 3. Connecticut 3.91 out of 100 The number of people in Connecticut who engage in daily or casual vaping is relatively similar.

Other notable metrics include: 4. Massachusetts 9.5 out of 100 Only a small percentage of the Massachusetts population engages in daily and casual e cigarette use. Other vaping use statistics include: 5. Delaware 13.41 out of 100 Delaware's overall vape use is well below the national average. A closer look at e cigarette use in the state shows: States With The Most Gen Z E Cigarette Users Generation Z—young adults 18 24 years old—remain the most vulnerable to vaping.

According to the CDC, this generation is more likely to vape than any other age group. The following five states have the most Gen Z vapers: 1. North Dakota 100 out of 100 Vaping among young people in North Dakota has dramatically increased over the last five years, according to the most recent data available.

Other shocking Gen Z vape use statistics include: 2. Wyoming 94.51 out of 100 A large number of Gen Zers in Wyoming partake in both casual and everyday e cigarette use. Other notable statistics include: 3. Kentucky (tie) 94.28 out of 100 Kentucky tied with Louisiana for the No. 3 spot in the top 5 states with the most Gen Z vapers.

Other notable statistics include: 4. Louisiana (tie) 94.28 out of 100 5. Oklahoma 92.22 out of 100 Oklahoma is home to the largest percentage of young adults who vape every day. Other vape usage statistics include: Teen E Cigarette Use Statistics E Cigarette Use by Demographic Different demographic factors such as age, gender, education, race and income commonly shape vaping behaviors.

Here's a look at how these factors influence vaping trends nationwide. E Cigarette Access and Regulations Does E Cigarette Use Impact Your Life Insurance Rates? How To Find the Best Life Insurance If You Smoke E Cigarettes Methodology To uncover the states with the most and least vapers in America, Forbes Advisor compared all 50 states across three metrics listed below.

To uncover the states with the most and least Gen Z (18 to 24 year olds) vapers in America, Forbes Advisor compared all 50 states across four metrics listed below. Note that data was unavailable for Delaware..