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Security guard ‘happy to be alive’ after suffering 5 bullet wounds in gunfight at Texas weed dispensary

  • Nishadil
  • January 15, 2024
  • 3 minutes read
Security guard ‘happy to be alive’ after suffering 5 bullet wounds in gunfight at Texas weed dispensary

A Texas security guard said he’s “happy to be alive” after he was reportedly shot five times during a wild caught on camera gunfight with three armed robbers who struck the cannabis dispensary where he works. Jonah Duran had only been working at his cousin’s place, the Purple Dragon Cannabis Dispensary in San Antonio, for a few months when the robbers busted in at about 3 a.m.

Saturday morning, according to CBS 5 . Duran — who was sitting on a couch when the raiders attacked — pulled his handgun and shot at the suspects, two of whom were armed themselves. He hit one of the men, who fell to the ground as he leapt away from Duran’s bullets, the video showed. The other gunman squeezed off a few rounds before he and the other robber fled.

But Duran prevailing in the terrifying shootout was not without cost, the station said. The father of three was struck by five bullets — three in the neck, one in the hand and one in the leg, his mom Nancy said. At least one of those came from the wounded gunman, who pulled the trigger one last time when he saw Duran get off the couch.

Authorities rushed the guard to the hospital, where doctors performed an hours long surgery to save his life. “I’m just happy to be alive,” Duran said Monday, in his first comments since the ordeal. “I’m happy I’m still able to be around my kids.” His mom said Duran’s dad died at an early age, and she couldn’t imagine what would happen if he wasn’t around for his own young children, including an 8 month old daughter, CBS said.

“It’s very hard for me right now,” Nancy said. “I’m very grateful they didn’t kill him.” A GoFundMe has been set up to help Duran. As of Sunday morning, it had raised more than $10,000. “He’s going to make a full recovery,” shop owner Ricardo Lopez told the station. “Prayers out to his family right now.” Nancy added that she wants the three robbers held accountable — but is still praying that the wounded gunman is okay.

The unidentified suspect was in dire shape — he was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, CBS said. “I just to pray to God people have learned a lesson from this,” Nancy said. Cops haven’t released any further information about the two other suspects, both of whom remain at large. Recreational marijuana is still illegal in Texas — although medical marijuana is permitted..