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Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus is back in town, but with a twist

  • Nishadil
  • January 06, 2024
  • 2 minutes read
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus is back in town, but with a twist

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus is back for the first time since 2017, but it will look a bit different. They had their opening show on Friday in Tampa. The show looks a bit different than it has for over a century. There are no longer animals in the show, but people waiting in line told News Channel 8 they were excited to see what was in store.

“I used to go when I was a kid and haven’t been back in 15 plus years,” Heather Dyce said. “It’s kind of cool to get to share that with them.” The circus is a show for people of all ages. “I’m really excited, because this is my first time seeing the Ringling Brothers, so I’m looking forward to it.

I’m really excited too, excited to see all the acrobats and the fun tricks they do,” said Naisha and Navya Singhal. “I haven’t been in a long time, so hopefully these guys will have some fun and it will be a good night,” Troy Dyce said. “My birthday is Monday, so we’re coming out to celebrate my birthday and then that the circus is back in town,” Liberty Edwards said.

“We wanted to come out and support them.” The three ring circus, known for elephants, lions and tigers ran for 146 years before it ended in May 2017. In 2016, the circus went to court after animal rights activists claimed the elephants were being mistreated. The circus agreed to remove the elephants and send them to a sanctuary in Florida.

Now, the show is back, but without the real animals. “I do think we will miss them, but I understand why they’re not here. Trying to make the best of it,” Edwards said. “It’s going to be interesting to see how they do it without the animals, because that’s something they would do the previous times,” Naisha Singhal said.

“It’s going to be something different, I’m glad animals are not being hurt, but they’re going to have extra stuff that’s going to be fun to see,” Heather Dyce said. “I’m glad they’re not using animals, because usually they might get hurt or something, so I’m glad,” Navya Singhal said.

A huge controversy amongst the crowd, especially the younger audience members, was the clowns. “I think it might be just fun, like I think there might be clowns juggling things, or something like that,” Caleb Dyce said. “I want to see the clowns,” Ryan Edwards said. “I’m most excited to see them flipping but I’m kind of scared to see the creepy clowns,” Harper said.

Everyone clapped along and cheered for each act during the first night. “It’s an experience, because you don’t get to see the circus very often. You don’t get to see it every day,” said Naisha and Navya Singhal. If you missed Friday’s show, there are shows at the Amalie Arena all weekend.

Saturday, Jan. 6 Sunday, Jan. 7.