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Pro Houthi protesters in NYC: Letters to the Editor — Jan. 16, 2024

  • Nishadil
  • January 16, 2024
  • 3 minutes read
Pro Houthi protesters in NYC: Letters to the Editor — Jan. 16, 2024

“Protesters” are transforming our streets and neighborhoods into hellish infernos of hate, destruction and terror once again — this time against a new US bombing campaign in Yemen (“ Rally cheers Red Sea terror, ” Jan. 13). More and more Americans are asking this same question — why are we being held hostage by people who despise us and all we stand for and support? Why don’t these cowards go protest where the war is happening, in Israel or Palestine, where they belong? Let me guess: Because they can get away with it here.

KJ Jones Bear, Del. I — for one — am sick of listening to the daily threats to our country made by terrorist supporters — many of whom live in this country and enjoy the benefits thereof. First, we need to deport or expel these hate mongers back to their country of origin. Let them wallow in their hatred without the benefit of our country’s health care or welfare.

And most importantly — let them remember the price that the Hamas led Palestinians are paying for their acts of terrorism. Robert Mangi Westbury I seem to remember a certain chant that emerged several years ago as a way to criticize President Biden — “let’s go, Brandon.” I’m learning now however that the validity of an American’s criticism of a president is contingent on how petty the issue at hand is.

We can express our disdain at Joe Biden for winning the election, but God forbid we criticize his reckless military decisions through protesting. And God forbid Americans act in line with the Constitution and criticize the humiliating ordeal that is having a senile puppet waste away and stutter as he stands before the global stage, dependent on teleprompters and Zionist payoffs.

Anyone with their druthers is tired of permanent war in the Middle East. Eloise Haggerty Brooklyn The pro Houthi protests in New York and elsewhere are a consequence of former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s policies. Allowing the violent riots in 2020 to persist sent a message that this type of protesting is tolerated.

David Balsam Brooklyn Former First Lady Michelle Obama stays up at night terrified about what might happen in the 2024 election (“ Mich­elle’s ’24 worries, ” Jan. 9). She adds that she knows too much and that democracy can’t be taken for granted. A related question is: What distinct legacy did former President Barack Obama leave for all of his working class voters who enthusiastically voted for him? The Democratic elites are poised to use their influential spokespersons to create a culture of fear and dependency — to rally their troops to the polls once more.

Will it work, or will it fail come election night? Michael Headley Brooklyn Michelle Obama says she can’t sleep at night, terrified about what could happen in the 2024 presidential election — a thinly veiled reference to a potential Donald Trump victory. What is truly terrifying is the thought of another four years of President Biden — essentially Obama’s fourth term.

What should keep any clear thinking American up at night is the chance that Democrats will scrap Biden and replace him with Michelle. From the tone of her interview, the groundwork for her running is being laid — a truly terrifying thought. Walter Goldeski East Brunswick, NJ Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to

Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style..