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People Are Sharing Their Most Hated Movie Clichés, And Reading Them Made Me Rage Blackout

  • Nishadil
  • January 13, 2024
  • 5 minutes read
People Are Sharing Their Most Hated Movie Clichés, And Reading Them Made Me Rage Blackout

Redditor asked the , "What is your most hated movie cliché?" People brought up all the frustrating tropes in our favorite films that are honestly overdone and overrated. 1. "The slasher movie villain who's never really dead." 2. "A character arriving at a restaurant or a diner, ordering, and leaving without having a single bite, or even before the food even gets to the table.

It's so pointless. Why even have that scene in the movie? If they're there to talk to someone, just don't have them order for no reason, and that's it." 3. "One guy fighting off ten guys, and instead of them attacking him all at once, they wait their turn to be defeated." 4.

"Okay, this is very minor, but when they are at a funeral, the headstone is already there. It takes months for the ground to settle after digging it up. If they put the headstone on it too soon, it would sink a bit." 5. "A teacher says, 'Today we’ll be talking about the Civil War,' and the bell rings.

As the students file out of the classroom, 'And write a 2 page essay about Abraham Lincoln!' Like, lady, read a single article on lesson planning and time management." 6. "The: 'It's my last mission. I can't wait to see my wife and baby girl.' Then, they immediately die in some dramatic way.

This also applies to 'It's three days 'til retirement.'" 7. "A character intentionally cutting their palm when they need blood, wrapping a basic bandage around around it, and then being fine for the rest of the movie. That shit would HURT, and your hand would be pretty much unusable for weeks while it heals, hopefully not leaving a nasty scar that limits movement for the rest of your life." 8.

"'The Hollywood Hangup' where a character hangs up the phone without saying goodbye or ending the conversation in a natural way. It pulls me out of the movie every time." 9. "When the protagonist 'doesn’t do that anymore' and the movie requires his expertise because 'he’s the best,' so he ends up 'doing that thing he swore never to do again.'" 10.

"The bad guy will be pointing a gun at the good guy. All he needs to do is pull the trigger. But he talks instead. And that'd buy time for our good guy to outwit the bad guy." 11. "Any type of dialogue where the bad guy tells the good guy something along the lines of 'you may not know this, but we are more similar than you think.'" 12.

"What's that? There are only ten seconds until my ultimate life goal is accomplished. Let me explain the entire plan with its flaws exposed so the hero can fix this shit in nine seconds." 13. "The good guy being like 'I don’t like to kill people' after the bad guy destroys and kills thousands of people." 14.

"When digging a hole to bury a body, the hole always has perfectly vertical sides. Anyone who's ever dug a hole knows this is impossible." 15. "The protagonist cop is a few days from retirement. Then shit goes down." 16. "When the driver of a car keeps their eyes focused on the passenger for an entire conversation without looking at the road." 17.

"She takes her hair down and glasses off, and 'Oh look, she's been hot this whole time!'" 18. "An elaborate breakfast buffet before work/school, and someone grabs a piece of toast or an apple before running out of the door. Who's got time for that?" 19. "Children who either talk like cynical 40 year olds or simply exist to defy their parents and do what they want, putting everyone in danger.

Usually, getting them out of danger means innocents die." 20. "When a character walks into a bar and orders a 'beer' or 'whiskey.' You need to state a type of beer, buddy." 21. "Specific to , but the 'character opening a door and closing it to reveal a monster behind it' jumpscare is overdone.

22. "You know in teen movies when someone does something a little salacious, and they walk down the hallway the next day? Then everyone is staring at them and pointing and laughing and covering their mouths? Yeah, that isn't how teens actually act." 23. "The only living descendant of a 1000+ years old lineage.

For thousands of years, the family never branched. It's always only one kid at a time?" 24. "Someone 'hacking' something on a computer. They just press random keys and then go, 'I'm in.' I don't know shit about hacking, but I know it's not that." 25.

"Villains casually killing one of their henchmen to intimidate everyone." 26. "'We'll make our way through the air ducts...' No, you won't. That's not reality." 27. "A person with a soon to be married partner (or just any partner) moves to a new town on their own for a work thing or whatever and falls for the 'mysterious' guy and then proceeds to cheat on their partner with them + rubbing it in the partner's face." 28.

"Any plot that easily could be resolved if two characters simply talked to each other." 29. "It's raining, and they have just argued. They're both walking their own way, and one looks back, but the other is still walking. Then they swap, both not knowing that they did indeed look back." 30.

"A queer teen couple break up because one person won’t tell their parents about the relationship. Parents are openly homophobic and will kick their children out of home if they find out they’re queer. 'No, Darryl, he’s not ashamed of you; he just likes having A FUCKING ROOF OVER HIS HEAD!'" , I want to hear what you think are the worst movie and TV clichés (and provide examples!) If you must, use this to submit your answers..