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Maine Secretary of State Shows Off Her 'Democracy Defenders' T Shirt

  • Nishadil
  • December 31, 2023
  • 2 minutes read
Maine Secretary of State Shows Off Her 'Democracy Defenders' T Shirt

We've been learning a lot about Shenna Bellows, Maine's secretary of state who has ordered Donald Trump removed from the primary ballot. In September of 2020, she tweeted, . Earlier Saturday we shared photos of Bellows cozying up with President Joe Biden as well as Barack Obama. Fox News reports that she was invited to the Biden White House , once for a celebration of Women’s History Month (that's probably where she got the pic with Biden).

Fox News also reports that she once wrote a column calling the Electoral College a "relic of white supremacy": Shortly after taking office, Bellows penned an op ed for a progressive platform known as the Democracy Docket. In her writing, titled "Voting Rights for Our Neighbors Matter As Much as Our Own," Bellows touted her efforts to make "voting more accessible" and said she sought the position of secretary of state in Maine because she "was truly frightened for our democracy" following the 2020 presidential election.

Bellows also took aim at the Electoral College in her column, claiming it is "the relic of white supremacy" that prevents voters from being represented fairly. Of course she thinks our elections are “White Supremacy” Everything is “white supremacy”. Why is it always white liberal women calling something ‘white supremacy?’ Just what I'd expect from a typical white liberal Karen.

isn't even a lawyer. This is election interference plain and simple. This is a attempt to force a vote of the candidates of their choosing. She's subverting democracy while claiming she's protecting it. Protecting democracy, huh? Now someone's dug up a photo of Bellows running a half marathon in a "Democracy Defenders" T shirt.

She really believes she's defending democracy by removing the leading opposition candidate from the ballot: Liberal white women are the most dangerous terror group on earth Maybe that 19th Amendment wasn't such a good idea People that wear shirts that say “Democracy Defenders” need shunned from social circles.

It's a toxic mixture of boredom, money and hyper emotional guilt. They can never be wrong. Ever. They really believe they are defending democracy. We have a big problem. They really think they are the only ones that know anything. They are horrible. AWFL Affluent White Female Liberal She recognizes her privilege and is just doing what’s “just.” Imagine if the Founding Fathers were liberal white women.

Nothing says "defending democracy" like removing your opponent from the ballot. I have been saying this for years. These are nasty evil women. The types who put up an "all are welcome" sign but deep down are just filled with hate and rage. Curiously most of the pro democracy articles she shared from 2014 2018 have been removed from archive sites.

I wonder why. Trump, who's neither been charged with nor found guilty of "insurrection" will appear on the ballot in Maine despite Bellows' efforts to defend democracy. *.