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Latest line: A good week for Joe Simitian, a bad week for health care workers

  • Nishadil
  • January 14, 2024
  • 0.29 minutes read
Latest line: A good week for Joe Simitian, a bad week for health care workers
Santa Clara County supervisor wins the most important endorsement in the race to succeed retiring congresswoman Anna Eshoo — hers — giving him a boost against Sam Liccardo and other rivals. To help close the state deficit, Gov. Gavin Newsom proposes to delay a $25 hourly minimum wage that he signed last fall for health care workers, including security guards, gift shop employees and aides. Some of the largest cuts in Newsom’s new 2024 25 budget come from climate programs. But California would still spend more than any other state on electric vehicles, renewable energy and other green programs.