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Irving collecting Christmas trees for recycling

  • Nishadil
  • January 05, 2024
  • 0.37 minutes read
Irving collecting Christmas trees for recycling

IRVING, Texas — The City of Irving is collecting Christmas trees for recycling until Jan. 14. Irving Solid Waste Services will collect the trees as part of the city’s weekly curbside brush/bulky waste collection. For more information, visit the city’s website . All fresh cut Christmas trees collected are mulched and made available for a nominal fee at Hunter Ferrell Landfill for residents to provide nutrients to flower beds, plants, trees and lawns.

Christmas tree drop off sites are also available during the collection dates: Before placing trees curbside or at a drop off site, remove all decorations, such as tree stands, lights, tinsel, nails and ornaments. For more information about the Christmas Tree Roundup or the city’s recycling program, visit this website ..