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Hunter’s political stunt: Letters to the Editor — Jan. 15, 2024

  • Nishadil
  • January 15, 2024
  • 3 minutes read
Hunter’s political stunt: Letters to the Editor — Jan. 15, 2024

I must say that Hunter Biden’s appearance at a House committee hearing (discussing whether to charge him with contempt of Congress) was the stupidest ploy, but it was worthy of the Biden family, which is run by his father, our stupidest president (“ Hunter’s Perilous Stunts, ” Editorial, Jan.

12). When asked a simple question by a member of Congress, Hunter and his lawyers immediately got up and scurried out the room — like rats. Hunter’s purpose was to give the finger to Congress. This is going to turn around and bite him and his father back in the end. Richard Ketay Newark, NJ Hunter Biden exudes guilt.

This clown show stunt is a mockery of legitimate judicial oversight, and Hunter has the audacity to play the poor guy getting picked on. He’s the epitome of white privilege, as Rep. Nancy Mace said, but moreover, he’s a clear example of double standards — and the left is completely complicit in this, period.

It’s arrogance personified by a guy that would be flipping burgers if not for his unscrupulous father. (My apologies to burger flippers.) Kevin Judge Naples, Fla. The Jan. 10 House hearing was a laughable yet completely expected display of arrogance and defiance. Hunter — uninvited — positioned himself up front to ensure he couldn’t be overlooked, then abruptly left when called out by Republican representatives.

Hunter left the committee with his tail between his legs. The entire stunt is foolish, as it did not play out as intended. It seems, then, that the Biden family — better known as the “Biden crime family” — retreated once again to plan their next move. As an audience, we must stay aware and not be misled, as the whole situation was orchestrated to divert attention from the real problems surrounding Hunter and his family.

If you truly believe Hunter is just an ordinary guy, then you’re turning a blind eye and a deaf ear! The entire Biden family is accused of being so corrupt that it’s almost unbelievable. Jean Cole Juno Beach, Fla. President Biden, First Lady Jill and Hunter have been gaslighting the American people since occupying the White House.

Their alleged victimhood persists as they take no responsibility. The media reinforces this narrative when Hunter disrupts a court hearing. The country has indulged in this delusion for a while and needs to detach from all things Biden. Peter Cooper Bronxville The degenerate former crack addict Hunter — who also happens to be the son of our corrupt president — showed up unannounced and disrupted a congressional hearing.

Not only did Hunter reveal the arrogant sense of entitlement that got him in hot water in the first place, but he acts as though the charges against him and his dad are completely without merit. It is really time for both Hunter and his father to come clean. If Hunter is innocent and merely being subjected to a Republican witch hunt, then he should be more than happy to simply testify on his own, as opposed to pulling these stunts.

Michael D’Auria Bronxville Hunter Biden’s appearance turned the House committee session into a total circus. The Republicans appeared bewildered and uncertain about how to handle the situation. Rep. James Comer could only be described as a stammering fool, who lost control over his fellow Republicans.

When the committee members were challenged to question Biden and proceed with their sham procedure, they failed to do so — there was instead a collective loss of ability to articulate their thoughts. This entire episode was a total fiasco. Hank DePerro Manhattan Wasn’t Hunter’s appearance reminiscent of the scene in “Godfather 2” where Michael Corleone walks out to the disdain of the committee? Just saying.

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