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ESPN’s Marc Spears gets apology from California store he accused of racially profiling him, black friends

  • Nishadil
  • January 02, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
ESPN’s Marc Spears gets apology from California store he accused of racially profiling him, black friends

ESPN’s Marc Spears made sure to say he loves the city of Healdsburg, Calif., but that didn’t stop him from lambasting a store that he says racially profiled him. “On this night, however, while enjoying Healdsburg, my friends and I, all African American, were racially profiled at a store in Healdsburg called @antheminteriors (Anthem Interiors) by the two employees,” Spears wrote in an Instagram post .

“When things like that happen, I get angry inside and feel pressure to buy something expensive to prove my worth and their wrong. “After refraining from the urge, I tried to give the lady that worked there the benefit of the doubt by asking if she knew where the nearest bathroom was. “She suggested that I go to the @healdsburgpolicedepartment across the street to use their facilities.

Confused I asked her why would I go to the bathroom at a police station? Her response was that it will be OK they won’t arrest you.” Spears concluded the note by saying “Thanks to the ones that show love, not ignorance and racism.” Anthem Interiors founder Janelle Loevner reached out to Spears to apologize, the San Francisco Chronicles reported .

“I’m deeply sorry that was his experience,” Loevner said. “I worked really long and hard to build a solid business. I care deeply about the community, my employees, about all of it — so for this to happen it’s just devastating.” The apology appears to be accepted by Spears, who said, “I felt the apology was sincere.” “I walked in, and I could just feel it,” Spears added.

“The store clerks basically stared at us, kind of frowning. “Anybody that’s been racially profiled knows it when it’s happening,” he said. “You just kind of feel like somebody’s peeking at you, watching what you’re doing as if they expect you to rob them.” Spears is a senior NBA writer for ESPN..