Eman Esfandi Had No Idea What Sabine Was Filling Ezra In On While Filming Ahsoka
Share- Nishadil
- January 02, 2024
- 2 minutes read
can often , but sometimes even the people operating in its space find themselves inside a world they have little experience with (as they should: thrives on , and that includes people unfamiliar with it!). But for , going back and acquiring that knowledge made his role even more fun in hindsight. Esfandi recently discussed his initial lack of knowhow in a recent interview with .
Even though the actor was dead set on bringing Ezra to life—revealing he had told his agents he felt destined to portray the live action version of the character months before Lucasfilm even began auditioning the role—the actor didn’t actually catch up with the world of until after he’d finished filming.
“I wasn’t a person before the show. I just didn’t grow up on it,” Esfandi told THR. “But after we shot the show, I inhaled all of it for six months.” That realization made Esfandi reflect on one moment in his performance in particular: the scenes where Sabine Wren reunites with her friend after decades (and a whole galaxy) apart, catching him up with since the climax of saw Ezra exile himself and Thrawn away to parts unknown.
“When Sabine was filling Ezra in, I also didn’t know much about it. Once I got to know everything, it just made that scene twice as funny,” Esfandi said. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, that was how they filled Ezra in? That’s hilarious.’” Of course, an actor deeply familiar with all the lore to play their part well—Esfandi did a pretty stellar job bringing an older Ezra to life in , regardless of his familiarity with the source material in that moment.
If anything, that lack of familiarity works for the character: after all, Ezra was born the day the Republic became the Galactic Empire, and he vanished off of the face of the galaxy a year before the events of . Now that we know he was literally in , he missed out on the bulk , with no way to catch up on it.
But there’s also something deeply funny, and incredibly Ezra, about the thought of him “uh huh, yeah, uh huh” ing his way through a quick recap of events by Sabine, only to learn the full extent of what happened during the events of, well, after the fact, and finding it . Because it kind of is! Especially to someone like Ezra and his own loose connections to the people who would eventually become the movers and shakers of galaxy changing events.
The idea of Ezra watching archival holo docs about the galactic civil war after his return home and learning that it ended with getting redeemed by his son—and —who became the face of the Rebel Alliance in his absence alongside that senator’s daughter , or that Palpatine, , never managed to do some dark side bullshit with the World Between Worlds, is very funny to me.
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