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Climate disclosures: Corporations underprepared for tighter new standards, study reveals

  • Nishadil
  • January 12, 2024
  • 3 minutes read
Climate disclosures: Corporations underprepared for tighter new standards, study reveals

January 12, 2024 This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: fact checked trusted source written by researcher(s) proofread by Diogenis Baboukardos, Evangelos Seretis, Fanis Tsoligkas, Ioannis Tsalavoutas and Richard Slack, The Conversation Companies and the carbon emissions that they generate are one of the key drivers of anthropogenic climate change .

Because of this, however, they also hold precious potential of curbing its severity. The 2021 Glasgow Pact stated that rigorous sustainability reporting standards that will push companies to disclose information about their impact on the environment as well as climate change's impact on their operations are essential.

For this reason, it supported the creation of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), a new branch of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, which aims to develop a robust set of financial related sustainability reporting criteria. In June 2023, the ISSB issued its first two standards, IFRS S1, General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability Related Financial Information and IFRS S2, Climate Related Disclosures.

The second focuses solely on climate change related issues, requiring companies to disclose information around four aspects of their activities: governance, strategy, risk management , and metrics and targets. The standard requires information about the company 's governance body responsible for oversight of climate related risks and opportunities, as well as quantitative disclosures (in particular, greenhouse gas emissions).

The standards have gained support from many global bodies, including the G7, the G20, the International Organization of Securities Commissions, and the Financial Stability Board. Although no country has yet adopted them, many are expected to endorse or require them in the near future . Countries such as the UK and Brazil are moving toward this direction.

Also, the European Commission confirmed that climate related disclosures of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards exhibit a high degree of alignment with second IFRS standard, and EU based companies will have to adopt them in 2024. At the end of March 2022, the ISSB issued drafts of the two standards.

Our study explored the ex ante level of firms' adherence with climate related disclosures by capturing disclosure levels against those proposed as to be required by the draft IFRS S2 (known as ED IFRS S2). Our year of analysis was the financial year 2021, i.e., the year immediately prior to the publication of the draft.

We purposely focused on 100 large international companies in sectors with high carbon emissions , comprising 50 from the chemicals and 50 from the construction materials sectors. Due to their size, such companies are under increasing pressure from consumers, shareholders, regulators and NGOs to report on their climate related risks and opportunities.

To carry out our analysis, we built a research instrument based on the ED IFRS S2 and scored the firms' publicly available reports, ranging from annual, sustainability to integrated reports. Our findings indicate that, on average, the companies analyzed disclose around 39% of the items they would be required to reveal under the ED IFRS S2.

When we zoom into the four categories of the ED IFRS S2 "core content," we find that companies engage much more with climate related disclosures about their governance processes (around 60%) but much less with strategy and risk management disclosures (around 36% and 35%, respectively). For metrics and targets, companies disclosed more of their climate related targets than reporting their metrics (i.e., outcomes) with average levels around 67% and 35%, respectively.

In other words, companies are found to be more vocal about their future plans (i.e., their future targets) than they are about their actual achievements so far (i.e., metrics). The moderate overall level of companies' forecasted adherence with the draft standard does not allow us to draw a direct conclusion.

Nevertheless, a closer look to the findings reveals some additional insights with important implications about the application of IFRS S2: This fast changing corporate reporting landscape brings new challenges for companies, regulators, standard setters, and users: Provided by The Conversation This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

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