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Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals a 2 Step Trick That Helps Reduce Cravings for Junk Food When Stressed

  • Nishadil
  • January 03, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals a 2 Step Trick That Helps Reduce Cravings for Junk Food When Stressed

Advertisement It is now a rather well known fact that stress can lead to eating more food. And the food that one craves is usually unhealthy. Grabbing a cookie or munching on a bag of chips gives relief at that time because they release chemicals in the brain that make one feel better. But these junk foods have a lot of fat and sugar.

And overconsumption of such food can, in the long run, cause multiple health problems. Advertisement Arnold Schwarzenegger mentions that the scientists in the study used Pavlovian conditioning to get to this solution. The participants of the study performed a six minute long relaxation technique. Loading embed instagram While the participants were doing this, they were asked to eat a piece of fruit at nearly the fifth minute.

Another interesting finding was that eating only fruit also helped reduce anxiety. Advertisement The participants in the study did this once per day for a week and then saw a difference. Doing the 2 step technique helped the participants reduce stress, resulting in less stress eating. Advertisement.