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Anthony Scaramucci’s Hunt & Fish Club hosted a fund raiser for $3,000 for a night of open bar, food, Mayor Adams

  • Nishadil
  • January 16, 2024
  • 2 minutes read
Anthony Scaramucci’s Hunt & Fish Club hosted a fund raiser for $3,000 for a night of open bar, food, Mayor Adams

Fund raiser news. Manhattan’s Hunt & Fish Club (once dominated by once who cares — ­ Anthony Scaramucci ) pushed a fund raiser — $3,000 for a night of open bar, open food and open NYC Mayor Eric. The fund raiser was for state Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar who usually dresses up Adams’ events and usually wears red.

In new political speak, one candidate’s called another a snollygoster. I don’t know what that is. But I know a smellygrabber’s an addled Biden who will raise income taxes, death taxes, capital gains taxes, corporate taxes, not Biden’s taxes. He’s been labeled senile, lazy, stupid, corrupt, a drooler, nitwit and, now, whatever’s a snollygoster.

Off some prewritten speech he just told Pennsylvania’s Montgomery County Community College that his economic plan’s “great” and “the border is secure.” His chat is as unsteady as his gait. Food prices zoomed over 20%. And there’s 10 million refugees in the USA because his mouth’s as open as the border.

He won’t debate. Can’t. He can no longer control his babble or his bladder. MOVIE news: Billion buck “Barbie” is spinning off billion buck businesses. One guy’s doing it $19.95 at a time. T shirts in pink proclaiming also in pink — the stink line, “I’m here to see my gynecologist.” The joke’s about some happening at the film’s end in case you finished the popcorn and missed the last 10 minutes.

More classy footage: “Drive Away Dolls” stars Andie MacDowell’s daughter Margaret Qualley , who plays multi sexy and says: “My character’s in it for what the hang is. She’s sex positive. Like a puppy ready to Do It.” Not sure what sex positive is. Just I’m happy to report another quality film.

Coming Feb. 23. More. Set in 1963. Sam Spade, retired, hanging with nuns, played by Clive Owen. That’s the setup for AMC’s “Monsieur Spade.” It’s a Cuisinart of accents and nudity. Clive: “I’m English, playing an American with French actors, and I get re Americanized mornings by listening to Humphrey Bogart recordings.

I understood I could mess this up.” Yeah. “Also I swim nude in it.” Another yeah. MORE. Diablo Cody’s bringing us “Lisa Frankenstein.” Bloody and mixed with teen angst. Really nice. Diablo: “I toy with themes of transformation and reinvention. Whether possessed by a demon or dealing with a new life.

Are we the same person? How many parts can we swap or replace before we’re a new entity?” Oh, nice. It’s ax murders and corpse love. Perfect Valentine’s Day date movie. Opens Feb. 9. RENTAL news. Zillow, whose website can unload how much your neighbor’s house is worth, just appraised the White House.

Their Zestimate? $466,166,000. Selling points: landscaped, 18 acres, hold your own Easter egg romp, 132 rooms, 35 johns, 28 fireplaces, pool, bowling alley, movie theater and ashtray for Hunter. And not — yet — a teardown. AND we who’ve pledged allegiance and who go to houses of worship and graduated learning the three Rs and love movies and treasure our families and protect our friends this .

. . this . . . THIS is what’s unfolding in our glorious wonderful USA. Only in America, kids, only in America..