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“Was on My Way to Growing…”: Chris Bumstead’s Heartwarming Wish for Hany Rambod Receives Hilarious Response From the Coach

  • Nishadil
  • January 06, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
“Was on My Way to Growing…”: Chris Bumstead’s Heartwarming Wish for Hany Rambod Receives Hilarious Response From the Coach

The reigning Mr. Olympia Classic Physique champion, boasting an enviable physique and having bested some of the finest competitors, attributes his success to one individual - Hany Rambod. Rambod's tenure in the Mr. Olympia circles cannot be overlooked, given his impressive track record of coaching some of history's most distinguished bodybuilders, one of whom is Chris Bumstead.

Recently, Bumstead paid tribute to his coach on his birthday, via a post filled with nostalgic photos and an affectionate note recognizing the invaluable contribution Rambod has made to his career. Known fitness influencer, Granny Guns, who has worked with Bumstead before, also joined in commending the influential coach on his special day.

Rambod responded to Bumstead's heartening note with an equally humorous response. Having been in the business of training champions right from the late 90s, Rambod has proven his mettle in the industry, and his collaboration with skilled athletes like Bumstead further solidifies his credibility.

Rambod, who can boast coaching 24 Mr. Olympia titleholders including legendary bodybuilders like Jay Cutler and current stars like Hadi Choopan and Derek Lunsford, is revered for his outstanding proficiency. The challenge of training these champions is unarguably demanding, but Rambod seems to have mastered this art.

Bumstead and Rambod's pairing has brought to light a sterling bond between a coach and his trainee, replete with friendly sparring and valuable training advice. This dyad's interactions have indeed caught the eye of eager fanatics, who are excited to see more engaging content from this duo.