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“Extra Kick for Your Workouts”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals the Perfect Solution for Those Without the ‘Caffeine Gene’

  • Nishadil
  • January 15, 2024
  • 2 minutes read
“Extra Kick for Your Workouts”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Reveals the Perfect Solution for Those Without the ‘Caffeine Gene’

Caffeine has been one of the most integral elements in the fitness domain. As a pre workout, it provides individuals with the energy necessary to complete intense routines. However, has guaranteed benefits beyond physical fitness with the help of scientific backing. Advertisement In one of his , Schwarzenegger elaborated on the divide between people who do and don’t experience the benefits of caffeine.

It turns out that the reason behind the difference in experiences is rooted in an individual’s genes. Depending on the strain, one may or may not witness the boost that a cup of coffee promises. According to a on caffeine, genotype, and exercise performance, the amount of caffeine needed for a boost depends on one’s genes.

Specifically, it refers to the CYP1A2 genotype, which affects metabolism. Advertisement Some subjects even reported a decrease in performance upon consuming the specified amount of caffeine. All of it boils down to the genetic construction of an individual. And while one could get a detailed picture of whether they have the ‘caffeine gene’ or don’t, a DNA test isn’t necessary.

Loading embed instagram Advertisement Schwarzenegger also suggests consuming a higher quantity of caffeine earlier than one normally would. This trick could help the push or kick come on time and more efficiently. While the element is not a magical substance that solves all fitness problems, caffeine could work wonders if incorporated into a routine properly.

Previously, the former bodybuilder raved about the other benefits of caffeine. Although one might resort to it to ward off lethargy, a cup of coffee could shockingly help one’s brain health. Arnold Schwarzenegger raises a cup of coffee to brain health With brain diseases like dementia on the rise, Schwarzenegger of a simple solution to help combat the onset of these conditions.

Studies proved that caffeine helped prevent stroke by 32% and dementia by 28%. The benefits of this wonderful ingredient go beyond the generic idea of consumption as a pre workout. Loading embed instagram S/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading But that’s not all.

Caffeine also boasts of improving bone health. Three to four cups of coffee every day showed significantly improved results in bone mineral density (BMD). So, while it is popular to dust away sleepiness, caffeine packs a bigger punch than one might expect. Advertisement.