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'Working for Free Sounds Amazing.' NYU Prof Lectures Greedy Authors on the Benefits of Working for Free

  • Nishadil
  • January 02, 2024
  • 2 minutes read
'Working for Free Sounds Amazing.' NYU Prof Lectures Greedy Authors on the Benefits of Working for Free

You ever notice the people always lecturing society on the benefits of communism are highly paid in their own fields? Yup. Us too. Meet Professor Yann LeCun of NYU who also happens to be the Chief AI Scientist at Meta. Only a small number of book authors make significant money from book sales. This seems to suggest that most books should be freely available for download.

The lost revenue for authors would be small, and the benefits to society large by comparison. So, communism. Always. Working for free sounds amazing. Why didn't we think of working for free before?? Walk the talk — why don’t you start with your books? Not so fast! A lot of misunderstanding in the comments.

I'm certainly not suggesting there should be a rule forcing authors to release their books for free or anything. I'm just making the point that many authors who are more motivated by intellectual impact than by a thousand bucks of income… Oh. You see the problem here is just greedy authors.

You should be motivated by making the world a better place with your free labor!! Do you work for free? But it's BETTER for you! Most books would probably find more readers and have a larger intellectual impact if they were free for download. It's demonstrably true for scientific publications.

Oh, Dear Professor doesn't mean ALL authors, just YOU. Can you read, or does your bias blind you like a two bit LLM? We're talking about authors who make O($1000), not O($50,000). We're discussing whether to give up $1000 in exchange for more readers is a good trade off for both the author and society.

"Only a small number of businesses make significant money for their owners. This seems to suggest that most people should give away their products and services." It’s always the wealthy guys in tech who think others should work for free, innit? Rich kids who like playing commie with other peoples’ lives.

Writing a book is a form of entrepreneurship available to (nearly) everyone: • single moms (JK Rawlings) • teachers (Stephen King) and so on. Out of all the forms of economic activity such as for instance: • corporations earning undue profits through externalities that… Wealthy intellectuals always imagine people would find personal fulfillment in working for the 'betterment' of society.

And then no one would bother writing books. How do you not see that? For those of you scoring at home, it took 1:59 to get a leader in the clubhouse for dumbest thing tweeted in 2024... Progressivism never changes. should work for free to better society, but should get paid the big bucks to make sure you know how to do it correctly.

No thank you. $1,000 is better than nothing! *.