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African American dance troupe inspiring students through dance

  • Nishadil
  • January 13, 2024
  • 1 minutes read
African American dance troupe inspiring students through dance

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) At King Elementary School in southwest Fresno, students have been learning about African American culture through dance. This year, 18 students at Martin Luther King Elementary in Southwest Fresno are part of the school's African Dance Troupe. The group's founder, Mona J.

Tatum, says it means the world for students to show interest year after year. "We want to be proud of our culture. I want to teach students to be proud no matter what and to get an education. That is what Dr. King really hard for us to get an education and be good citizens," Tatum said. Sixth graders E'niyah and Ariel have been part of the Dance Troupe since they were in first grade.

For them, dancing to music with a profound message motivates them in all they do. "It feels so good to have people around you who encourage you and who feel the same way as you. We express our feelings in the way we dance," said E'niyah. "When you join this group, you can be yourself because you are unique.

You can love yourself the way you are in the dance group," Ariel added. They now get to inspire the little ones dancing by their side. Second grader Elise Keenan says she feels strong and proud of her culture. "When I am up there, I feel like proud of myself and confident," said Elise.

Tatum hopes students will continue joining the dance group and plans to lead it for as long as possible. "I am going to keep going as long as my body can take it. Children make you young! They make you young, hearing their laughter, thoughts, and concerns, and they have a voice!" said Tatum.

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