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A Psychologist Explains The 5 Types Of Marriages

  • Nishadil
  • January 13, 2024
  • 2 minutes read
A Psychologist Explains The 5 Types Of Marriages

There’s no such thing as perfect marriages, only real ones. Learn how to break the mold and catalyze ... [+] a thriving connection. Just as individuals differ, so do the bonds we share. Marriages —while seemingly similar at surface level—are all unique, filled with highs, lows, conflicts, resolutions and quiet triumphs that are personal to each couple.

Research reveals that marriages can be categorized into distinct types, and that each type is likely to experience starkly different levels of satisfaction—from deep discontent to enduring fulfillment. Experiencing dissatisfaction in a marriage can feel crushing, leaving partners envious of how “perfect couples” manage to get it right.

In light of this, psychologists have put forward research backed rules that can help revive problematic unions. The 5 Types Of Marriage Research from The Family Journal studied over 6,000 couples to identify differences in married couples’ levels of relationship satisfaction and quality, as well as the factors that make or break these levels of fulfillment.

Given the uniqueness of marital bonds, as well as the uniqueness of the partners within, marriage can be difficult to categorize. In their investigations, the researchers were able to develop a typology of marriages that considered the intricacies of couples—both as partners and as individuals. The authors outlined five distinct marriage types, each encapsulating differences and similarities in the partners’ demographic backgrounds, beliefs, roles and relationship maintenance behaviors: How To Vitalize Your Marriage Feelings of exasperation within marriage —as the research shows—are common, but they do not need to be the downfall of your relationship.

A recurring theme related to the success and satisfaction of the different types of marriage is the ability for partners to effectively communicate their differences and feelings. Further research from Communication in Marriage outlined that complacent couples will often become set in their ways of interacting with their partners, believing that they need to maintain their existing ways of relating to one another in order to survive.

This static behavior, however, is not beneficial to any kind of marriage. In lieu of this, research outlines five rules for communication that, if followed by both partners, will pave the way for a partnership characterized by transparency, honesty and respect—allowing dissatisfaction to be aired without creating tension: Conclusion While research outlines that there are different types and rankings of marriages, in reality, there is no such thing as a perfect marriage.

Each is shaped by the quirks, experiences and growth of the partners within. Instead of trying to fit into an idealized mold, the key lies instead in being honest and authentic in relating to one another. Transparency forms a sound foundation in marriage that enables deeper understanding between partners.

Through this patient and authentic transparency, you and your partner pave the way for a relationship based on genuine love and acceptance—imperfections and all. If you’d like to kick start your marriage revitalization journey, take the Marital Satisfaction Scale to find out your baseline: Marital Satisfaction Scale.